tiny incremental progress forever

Have been forgetting to update this! Lots of drawing being done alongside slowly coding how online combat works - I want brute force "ATTACK X" to be the least effective thing you can do against serious opposition, but the most convenient against under-leveled stuff so everything else gneeds some serious balancing.

Having a cyberdeck (copyright all other cyberpunk products) preloaded with autonomous agents you can load into memory, and the agents each take their turn and the turn's something you expect to happen based on what you've read about yr deck's documentation... plus the possibility of having an enchanted deck with a once-off SPELL you can upload to the enemy network to change what the battle is completely? much harder to think about than Attack target X for Y damage. giggle

Each of these player avatars is a sort of drag-n'-drop av maker with all the clothes and tattoes and jewelry as separate layers, with a 12 shade palette the user can mess with, and equipped non-dummy items overrule that palette and possibly load alternate versions of the expected image. Plus there's pattern overlays you can add to each layer for various effects - fur, circuitry, dress patterns etc. It's been a lot of invisible work; I hope you like the look of these characters!

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